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Novell SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10
Novell SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 10
Novell SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9
You are trying to join an AD Domain with Samba using the proper command. But it fails similar to this:
1 | nil:# net ads join -U USERNAME |
This behaviour can have two reasons:
Option 1: there is a setting for netbios name that differs from the hostname
e.g. the hostname of the machine would be “rumburak” and the netbios name in smb.conf would be set to”grumpfelpumpfel”
Correction: unset the netbios name or set it to the hostname
Option 2: the FQHN of the machine resolves different to the IP
.e.g. the hostname of”” resolves to, the reverse lookup of resolves to “”
Correction: correct the Name Server entries
Alternative: use /etc/hosts to ensure correct Name resolution and reverse lookup. In the above example the line in /etc/hosts would read rumburak
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